While most of you may be using e-mail for personal communication, those at work must make sure that understanding of e-mail tones compliments the best … [Read more...]
Internet Search Isn’t Always an Easy Solution
A few weeks ago one of my clients who works in the software industry posed a question online to other like-minded software engineers, asking if anyone … [Read more...]
Seniors Learning Computers, the Internet despite the Challenges
Despite having a computer in the home at several points in her life, my mother still doesn't "get" them. First, we had a Commodore 64 in the '80s, … [Read more...]
How are youth learning about and using the Internet?
Earlier this month I brought up the topic of seniors learning to use computers and the Internet, as well as the challenges they face. Today I want to … [Read more...]
The Scammers Never Give Up
Below is the latest attempt to extort money from Website Builders. Scammers are always on the move, with an armory of multiple exploits under their … [Read more...]
Online and In-Person: Shopify’s new Point of Sale (POS)
While a lot of online stores also sell in brick-and-mortar locations as well, e-commerce platforms have been traditionally focused just on the web … [Read more...]